Below are the Computer MCQs PDF Free Download for entry test 2024:
Microsoft Access MCQs Part 2:
1➤ What is the difference between 'open' and 'open exclusively'
ⓑ Open exclusive locks whole database so that no one can access it whereas open locks only the record that is being accessed
ⓒ Both open and open exclusively are same
ⓓ Open exclusive command does not exist in ms access
2➤ 32. Which of the following is a method to create a new table in ms access?
ⓑ Create table using wizard
ⓒ Create table by entering data
ⓓ All of Above
3➤ To create a new table, in which method you don't need to specify the field type and size?
ⓑ Create table using wizard
ⓒ Create table by entering data
ⓓ All of above
4➤ When creating a new table which method can be used to choose fields from standard databases and tables
ⓑ Create table using wizard
ⓒ Create table by entering data
ⓓ None
5➤ In table design view, which key can be used to switch between the field names and properties panels?
ⓑ F4
ⓒ F5
ⓓ F6
6➤ In table design view what are the first column of buttons used for
ⓑ Indicate current row
ⓒ Both of above
ⓓ None
7➤ The default and maximum size of text field in access
ⓑ 8 and 1 GB
ⓒ 266 characters & 64000 characters
ⓓ None
8➤ The size of yes no field is always
ⓑ 1 Byte
ⓒ 1 Character
ⓓ 1 GB
9➤ Which of the following is not a field type in access
ⓑ Hyperlink
ⓒ Ole Object
ⓓ Lookup Wizard
10➤ The size of a field with number data type can not be
ⓑ 4
ⓒ 8
ⓓ 16
11➤ Which field type will you select when creating a new table if you reuire to enter long text in that field?
ⓑ Memo
ⓒ Currency
ⓓ Hyperlink
12➤ Which field type can store photos?
ⓑ Ole
ⓒ Both of these can be used
ⓓ Access tables can't store photos
13➤ What Are the Different Views To Display A Table
ⓑ Design View
ⓒ Pivote Table & Pivot Chart View
ⓓ All Of Above
14➤ Which Of The Following Creates A Drop Down List Of Values To Choose From?
ⓑ Hyperlink
ⓒ Memo
ⓓ Lookup Wizard
15➤ The Command Center Of Access File That Appears When You Create Or Open The Ms Access Database File.
ⓑ uery Window
ⓒ Design View Window
ⓓ Switchboard
16➤ The Third Stage In Designing A Database Is When We Analyze Our Tables More Closely And Create A Between Tables
ⓑ Join
ⓒ uery
ⓓ None
17➤ In A Database Table, The Category Of Information Is Called
ⓑ Field
ⓒ Record
ⓓ All Above
18➤ This Key Uniuely Identifies Each Record
ⓑ Key Record
ⓒ Uniue Key
ⓓ Field Name
19➤ It Is An Association Common Established Between
ⓑ Relationship
ⓒ Primary Key
ⓓ Records
20➤ This Is The Stage In Database Design Where One Gathers And List All The Necessary Fields For The Database Project.
ⓑ Data Refinement
ⓒ Establishing Relationship
ⓓ None of The Above
21➤ A Database Language Concerned With The Definition Of The Whole Database Structure And Schema Is
ⓓ All Above
22➤ Which Of The Field Has Width 8 Bytes?
ⓑ Number
ⓒ Date/time
ⓓ Hyperlink
23➤ Which Of The Following Statement Is True?
ⓑ In Primary Key Field You Can Enter Duplicate Value
ⓒ In An Indexed Field You May Or May Not Enter Duplicate Value Depending Upon Setting
ⓓ All Statements Are True
24➤ Following Is Not A Database Model
ⓑ Relational Database Model
ⓒ Object Oriented Database Model
ⓓ None
25➤ Microsoft Access Is A
ⓓ Network Database Model
26➤ When Entering Field Name, How Many Characters You Can Type In Maximum?
ⓑ 68
ⓒ 64
ⓓ Any number of character
27➤ After entering all fields reuired for a table, if you realize that the third field is not needed, how will you remove?
ⓑ Delete all the fields from third downwards and reenter the reuired fields again.
ⓒ Select the third column in datasheet view then delete
ⓓ Select the third row in table design view then delete
28➤ While creating relationship, when you drag a field of a field to drop into another table the mouse pointer changes into
ⓑ thin + sign
ⓒ outline rectangle
ⓓ None
29➤ What happens when you release mouse pointer after you drop the primary key of a table into foreign key of another table?
ⓑ Edit relationship dialog box appears
ⓒ Error occurs
ⓓ Nothing happens
30➤ What do you mean by one to many relationship between Student and Class table?
ⓑ One class may have many student
ⓒ Many classes may have many students
ⓓ Many students may have manu classes