

Computer MCQs PDF Free Download for entry test 2024

Computer MCQs PDF Free Download for entry test 2024: Prepare for Entry Test 2024 with our blog post featuring a downloadable PDF of Computer Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). This free resource covers essential topics to help you effectively practice and reinforce your understanding of key concepts in computer science. Ideal for students preparing for university admission tests, this comprehensive collection aims to enhance your exam readiness and confidence. Download the PDF today to streamline your study process and excel in the upcoming entry test!

Computer MCQs PDF Free Download for entry test 2024

Below are the Computer MCQs PDF Free Download for entry test 2024:

 Microsoft Access MCQs Part 2:

1➤ What is the difference between 'open' and 'open exclusively'

ⓐ Open statement opens access database files and open exclusively opens database files of other program like oracle
ⓑ Open exclusive locks whole database so that no one can access it whereas open locks only the record that is being accessed
ⓒ Both open and open exclusively are same
ⓓ Open exclusive command does not exist in ms access

2➤ 32. Which of the following is a method to create a new table in ms access?

ⓐ Create table in design view
ⓑ Create table using wizard
ⓒ Create table by entering data
ⓓ All of Above

3➤ To create a new table, in which method you don't need to specify the field type and size?

ⓐ Create table in design view
ⓑ Create table using wizard
ⓒ Create table by entering data
ⓓ All of above

4➤ When creating a new table which method can be used to choose fields from standard databases and tables

ⓐ Create table in design view
ⓑ Create table using wizard
ⓒ Create table by entering data
ⓓ None

5➤ In table design view, which key can be used to switch between the field names and properties panels?

ⓐ F3
ⓑ F4
ⓒ F5
ⓓ F6

6➤ In table design view what are the first column of buttons used for

ⓐ Indicate primary key
ⓑ Indicate current row
ⓒ Both of above
ⓓ None

7➤ The default and maximum size of text field in access

ⓐ 50 and 255 characters
ⓑ 8 and 1 GB
ⓒ 266 characters & 64000 characters
ⓓ None

8➤ The size of yes no field is always

ⓐ 1 Bit
ⓑ 1 Byte
ⓒ 1 Character
ⓓ 1 GB

9➤ Which of the following is not a field type in access

ⓐ Memo
ⓑ Hyperlink
ⓒ Ole Object
ⓓ Lookup Wizard

10➤ The size of a field with number data type can not be

ⓐ 2
ⓑ 4
ⓒ 8
ⓓ 16

11➤ Which field type will you select when creating a new table if you reuire to enter long text in that field?

ⓐ Text
ⓑ Memo
ⓒ Currency
ⓓ Hyperlink

12➤ Which field type can store photos?

ⓐ Hyperlink
ⓑ Ole
ⓒ Both of these can be used
ⓓ Access tables can't store photos

13➤ What Are the Different Views To Display A Table

ⓐ Datasheet View
ⓑ Design View
ⓒ Pivote Table & Pivot Chart View
ⓓ All Of Above

14➤ Which Of The Following Creates A Drop Down List Of Values To Choose From?

ⓐ Ole Object
ⓑ Hyperlink
ⓒ Memo
ⓓ Lookup Wizard

15➤ The Command Center Of Access File That Appears When You Create Or Open The Ms Access Database File.

ⓐ Database Window
ⓑ uery Window
ⓒ Design View Window
ⓓ Switchboard

16➤ The Third Stage In Designing A Database Is When We Analyze Our Tables More Closely And Create A Between Tables

ⓐ Relationship
ⓑ Join
ⓒ uery
ⓓ None

17➤ In A Database Table, The Category Of Information Is Called

ⓐ Tuple
ⓑ Field
ⓒ Record
ⓓ All Above

18➤ This Key Uniuely Identifies Each Record

ⓐ Primary Key
ⓑ Key Record
ⓒ Uniue Key
ⓓ Field Name

19➤ It Is An Association Common Established Between

ⓐ Line
ⓑ Relationship
ⓒ Primary Key
ⓓ Records

20➤ This Is The Stage In Database Design Where One Gathers And List All The Necessary Fields For The Database Project.

ⓐ Data Definition
ⓑ Data Refinement
ⓒ Establishing Relationship
ⓓ None of The Above

21➤ A Database Language Concerned With The Definition Of The Whole Database Structure And Schema Is

ⓓ All Above

22➤ Which Of The Field Has Width 8 Bytes?

ⓐ Memo
ⓑ Number
ⓒ Date/time
ⓓ Hyperlink

23➤ Which Of The Following Statement Is True?

ⓐ Foreign Key Fields Don\'t Allow Duplicate Values
ⓑ In Primary Key Field You Can Enter Duplicate Value
ⓒ In An Indexed Field You May Or May Not Enter Duplicate Value Depending Upon Setting
ⓓ All Statements Are True

24➤ Following Is Not A Database Model

ⓐ Network Database Model
ⓑ Relational Database Model
ⓒ Object Oriented Database Model
ⓓ None

25➤ Microsoft Access Is A

ⓓ Network Database Model

26➤ When Entering Field Name, How Many Characters You Can Type In Maximum?

ⓐ 60
ⓑ 68
ⓒ 64
ⓓ Any number of character

27➤ After entering all fields reuired for a table, if you realize that the third field is not needed, how will you remove?

ⓐ You need to delete the whole table. There is no method to remove a particular field
ⓑ Delete all the fields from third downwards and reenter the reuired fields again.
ⓒ Select the third column in datasheet view then delete
ⓓ Select the third row in table design view then delete

28➤ While creating relationship, when you drag a field of a field to drop into another table the mouse pointer changes into

ⓐ a doctor's sign
ⓑ thin + sign
ⓒ outline rectangle
ⓓ None

29➤ What happens when you release mouse pointer after you drop the primary key of a table into foreign key of another table?

ⓐ A relationship is created
ⓑ Edit relationship dialog box appears
ⓒ Error occurs
ⓓ Nothing happens

30➤ What do you mean by one to many relationship between Student and Class table?

ⓐ One student can have many classes
ⓑ One class may have many student
ⓒ Many classes may have many students
ⓓ Many students may have manu classes

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