

Computer MCQs for PPSC Papers MCQs

Computer MCQs for PPSC Papers MCQs: In this blog post, we present a curated collection of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) tailored for PPSC exams, focusing specifically on Computer Science topics. Whether you're preparing for a government job or enhancing your knowledge, these MCQs offer a strategic approach to mastering key concepts. Covering a wide range of subjects from basic computer fundamentals to advanced technologies, our MCQs are designed to help you test and improve your understanding effectively. Use this resource to boost your exam readiness and confidently tackle Computer Science sections in PPSC papers.

Computer MCQs for PPSC Papers MCQs

Below are the Computer MCQs for PPSC Papers MCQs:

 Microsoft Access MCQs:

1➤ We can remove a relationship defined between two tables by

ⓐ From Edit menu choose Delete Relationship
ⓑ Select the relationship line and press Delete
ⓒ Choose Delete option from Relationship menu
ⓓ All of above

2➤ If you need to edit a relationship

ⓐ Right click the relationship line and choose Edit Relationship
ⓑ Double click the relationship line
ⓒ Both of above
ⓓ None of these

3➤ If you write criteria values vertically (one in a row) it will mean

ⓐ OR conditions
ⓑ AND conditions
ⓒ NOT condition
ⓓ None of these

4➤ To achieve AND effect when you are entering criteria in a uery design window

ⓐ write criteria values horizontally
ⓑ Write criteria values in same field separated with AND
ⓒ Write criteria values in same field separated with &
ⓓ none of these

5➤ A search value can be an exact value or it can be

ⓐ Logical Operator
ⓑ Relationship
ⓒ Wild card character
ⓓ Comparison operation

6➤ Both conditions display on the same row in the design grid when _ operator is in use

ⓐ OR
ⓑ IN

7➤ The two form layout types will display multiple records at one time are tabular and

ⓐ columnar
ⓑ justified
ⓒ date sheet
ⓓ pivot table

8➤ You can automatically include all of the field in a table in a uery by a strike that appear list box in uery design view

ⓐ Clicking
ⓑ Right clicking
ⓒ Double clicking
ⓓ None of the above

9➤ The operator will cause a record to be selected only if two or more conditions are satisfied

ⓐ Or
ⓑ Range
ⓒ If or
ⓓ And

10➤ When a picture or other graphic image is placed in the report header section it will appear

ⓐ Once in the bugging of the report
ⓑ At the top of every page
ⓒ Every after record break
ⓓ On the 1st and last pages of the report

11➤ To duplicate a controls formatting you can use-------?

ⓐ Manager
ⓑ Wizard
ⓒ Painter
ⓓ Control

12➤ The button on the tool box display data from a related table

ⓐ Sub form sub report
ⓑ Relationships
ⓒ Select objects
ⓓ More controls

13➤ Which of the following database object can be used if you need to mail the invoice to customers?

ⓐ A form
ⓑ A very
ⓒ A report
ⓓ A Table

14➤ In Access, this displays the results of a calculation in a uery

ⓐ Lookup field
ⓑ Calculated field
ⓒ Source field
ⓓ Child field

15➤ In Access, this operation copies a backup file from the storage medium back onto the computer

ⓐ Recreate
ⓑ Restore
ⓒ Copy
ⓓ Structure

16➤ If you make an invalid entry in the Input Mask Wizard dialog box, this will display to advise you that the entry is not correct

ⓐ Text error
ⓑ Literal error
ⓒ Entry error
ⓓ Validation error

17➤ In the Form Wizard dialog box, the fields from the selected table are displayed in this list box.

ⓐ All Fields
ⓑ All Records
ⓒ Available Records
ⓓ Available Fields

18➤ This form displays the field name labels down the left side of the column, with the data for each field just to the right of its corresponding label.

ⓐ Tabular
ⓑ Justified
ⓒ Columnar
ⓓ Datasheet

19➤ This form displays data in a table layout with field name labels across the top of the page and the corresponding data in rows and columns under each heading.

ⓐ Columnar
ⓑ Justified
ⓒ Datasheet
ⓓ Tabular

20➤ This form displays multiple records, one per row, in the Form window

ⓐ Datasheet
ⓑ Tabular
ⓒ Columnar
ⓓ Justified

21➤ DCL Provides Commands to Perform Actions Like

ⓐ Change the Structure of Tables
ⓑ Insert, Update Or Delete Records and Data Values
ⓒ Authorizing Access And Other Control Over Database
ⓓ None

22➤ The Database Language That Allows You To Access Or Maintain Data In A Database

ⓓ None

23➤ What Is The Maximum Length A Text Field Can Be?

ⓐ 120
ⓑ 255
ⓒ 265
ⓓ 75

24➤ Which Of The Following Is Not A Database Object?

ⓐ Tables
ⓑ ueries
ⓒ Relationships
ⓓ Reports

25➤ A Enables You To View Data From A Table Based On A Specific Criterion

ⓐ Form
ⓑ uery
ⓒ Macro
ⓓ Report

26➤ What Are The Columns In A Microsoft Access Table Called?

ⓐ Rows
ⓑ Records
ⓒ Fields
ⓓ Columns

27➤ Which Of The Following Is Not A Type Of Microsoft Access Database Object?

ⓐ Table
ⓑ Form
ⓒ Worksheets
ⓓ Modules

28➤ Which of the following database object hold data?

ⓐ Forms
ⓑ Reports
ⓒ Tables
ⓓ ueries

29➤ Which of the following database object produces the final result to present?

ⓐ Forms
ⓑ Reports
ⓒ ueries
ⓓ Tables

30➤ What is the difference between 'open' and 'open exclusively'

ⓐ Open statement opens access database files and open exclusively opens database files of other program like oracle
ⓑ Open exclusive locks whole database so that no one can access it whereas open locks only the record that is being accessed
ⓒ Both open and open exclusively are same
ⓓ Open exclusive command does not exist in ms access

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