

Best 30 Botany MCQs with show answer

Are you looking to deepen your understanding of botany? Our curated list of the 30 best botany MCQs with answers is designed to help students and plant science enthusiasts test their knowledge and boost their skills. Whether you’re preparing for exams or simply interested in plant science, these multiple-choice questions cover essential topics to enhance your learning experience. Each question comes with a detailed answer, making it easier for you to grasp complex concepts and solidify your understanding of botany. Dive into our comprehensive collection and challenge yourself with questions that span various aspects of plant science. Start exploring today to elevate your botany expertise!

Best 30 Botany MCQs with show answer

Below are the Best 30 Botany MCQs with show answer:

 30 Botany MCQs With Answer:

1➤ At carbon-3, Chlorophyll a has:

ⓐ -CHO group
ⓑ -CH3 group
ⓒ -COOH group
ⓓ No functional group

2➤ Photorespiration is favoured by

ⓐ High temperature and low oxygen
ⓑ High humidity and temperature
ⓒ High carbon dioxide and low oxygen
ⓓ High oxygen and low carbon dioxide

3➤ C4 plants differ form C3 plants with respect to:

ⓐ Number of ATP molecules consumed
ⓑ First product
ⓒ Substrate which accepts carbon dioxide
ⓓ All the above

4➤ Which one of the following statements about Cytochrome P450 is wrong?

ⓐ It has an important role in metabolism
ⓑ It contains iron
ⓒ It is an enzyme involved in oxidation
ⓓ It is coloured cell

5➤ Pigments of PS I occur in:

ⓐ Appressed part of granal thylakoids
ⓑ Stromal thylakoids and non-appressed parts of granal thylakoids
ⓒ Both appressed and non- appressed parts of granal thylakoids
ⓓ Stroma

6➤ Enzyme required in early CO₂ fixation in Ca cycle is:

ⓐ RuBP carboxylase
ⓑ RuBP oxygenase
ⓒ PEP carboxylase
ⓓ PGA dehydrogenase

7➤ For fixing one molecule of CO2 in Calvin cycle, are required:

ⓑ 3 ATP + 2 NADPH2
ⓒ 2ATP + 3 NADPH2
ⓓ 3 ATP + NADPH2

8➤ Carbon dioxide is fixed in:

ⓐ Light reaction
ⓑ Dark reaction
ⓒ Aerobic respiration
ⓓ Anaerobic respiration

9➤ The pigment present universally in all green oxygenic plants is:

ⓐ Chlorophyll a
ⓑ Chlorophyll b
ⓒ Chlorophyll c
ⓓ Chlorophyll m

10➤ In photosynthesis, photolysis of water is used in:

ⓐ Reduction of NADP
ⓑ Oxidation of NADP
ⓒ Oxidation of FAD
ⓓ None

11➤ The sporangial stalk in ferns is:

ⓐ Uniseriate
ⓑ Biseriate
ⓒ Triseriate
ⓓ Multiseriate

12➤ The leaves of Pteridium are:

ⓐ Triseriate
ⓑ Multiseriate
ⓒ Unipinnate
ⓓ Palmate

13➤ The hypobasal quadrant in the fern embryo forms:

ⓐ Foot and root
ⓑ Leaf and foot
ⓒ Stem and leaf
ⓓ Leaf and root

14➤ The cells of the stomium of fern sporangium are stretched:

ⓐ Tangentially
ⓑ Radially
ⓒ Longitudinally
ⓓ Antero-posteriorly

15➤ ​​Circinate vernation is present in:

ⓐ Mosses
ⓑ Ferns
ⓒ Algae
ⓓ Gymnosperms

16➤ At which stage meiosis takes place in Pteridium ferns?

ⓐ During the spore germination
ⓑ During the spore formation
ⓒ During the gamete formation
ⓓ During the organ formation in prothallus

17➤ In ferns, gametophyte is:

ⓐ Main plant body
ⓑ Prothallus attached to the sporophyte
ⓒ Prothallus free from sporophyte
ⓓ A structure attached to the rhizome

18➤ Fern prothallus develops from the

ⓐ Spore mother cell
ⓑ Zygote
ⓒ Spores
ⓓ Elaters

19➤ Which of the following pair of plants is not seed producer?

ⓐ Funaria and Ficus
ⓑ Funaria and fern
ⓒ Punica and Pinus
ⓓ Ficus and Chlamydomonas

20➤ The edible portion of wood apple comprises:

ⓐ Endocarp only
ⓑ Meso- and epdodarp
ⓒ Inner pericarp and placenta
ⓓ Placenta only

21➤ In ferns, gametophyte is:

ⓐ Main plant body
ⓑ Prothallus attached to the sporophyte
ⓒ Prothallus free from sporophyte
ⓓ A structure attached to the rhizome

22➤ Fern prothallus develops from the

ⓐ Spore mother cell
ⓑ Zygote
ⓒ Spores
ⓓ Elaters

23➤ The edible portion, of jack fruit comprises:

ⓐ Rachis, bract, perianth and pericarp fused
ⓑ Outer axis, bract, perianth, and seed
ⓒ Bract, perianth, pericarp and seed
ⓓ Bract, perianth, placenta and seed

24➤ The edible part in grape is:

ⓐ Pericarp only
ⓑ Pericarp and placenta
ⓒ Endocarp and placenta
ⓓ Mesocarp, endocarp and placenta

25➤ It is useless to produce a seedless:

ⓐ Pineapple
ⓑ Watermelon
ⓒ Litchi
ⓓ Citrus

26➤ The fruit in Artabotrys is an etaerio of:

ⓐ Berries
ⓑ Achenes
ⓒ Follicles
ⓓ Drupes

27➤ Which of the following plants produces a false fruit?

ⓐ Quercus
ⓑ Nelumbo
ⓒ Pineapple
ⓓ Dillenia

28➤ In many schizocarpic remain attached to: fruits the mericarps

ⓐ Anthophora
ⓑ Androphore
ⓒ Gynophore
ⓓ Carpophore

29➤ The fruit of Mirabilis due to its enclosure in the calyx tube is sometimes described as:

ⓐ Schleranthium
ⓑ Bacca
ⓒ Diplotegia
ⓓ Pseudoutricle

30➤ The dehiscent fruits are sometimes called:

ⓐ Follicular
ⓑ Silicose
ⓒ Capsular
ⓓ Leguminous

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