Below are the Botany MCQs 2024 For Online Test:
Botany MCQs 2024:
1➤ Structurally the flagella of bacteria are unique in the sense that they:
ⓑ Are multifibrillar
ⓒ Are monofibrillar
ⓓ None of these
2➤ Crown-gall disease in plants is caused by:
ⓑ Aplanobacter sepedanium
ⓒ Agrobacterium tumefaciens
ⓓ Agrobacterium rhizogenes
3➤ Which are the most primitive algae?
ⓑ Brown algae
ⓒ Blue-green algae
ⓓ Red algae
4➤ The 'eye' spot of Chlamydomonas is:
ⓑ Attracted by diffuse light
ⓒ Repelled by diffuse light
ⓓ None of these
5➤ Embryo is absent in:
ⓑ Bryophytes
ⓒ Pteridophytes
ⓓ Gymnosperms
6➤ Agar-Agar is obtained from:
ⓑ Polysiphonia
ⓒ Fucus
ⓓ Laminaria
7➤ Iodine is obtained from:
ⓑ Ulothrix
ⓒ Ectocarpus
ⓓ Oedogonium
8➤ Spirogyra is more advanced than Ulothrix because:
ⓑ Spirogyra has internal fertilisation
ⓒ Spirogyra is always heterothallic
ⓓ Ulothrix is unicellular while Spirogyra is multicellular
9➤ Nitrogen fixation is done by:
ⓑ Blue green algae
ⓒ Brown algae
ⓓ None of these
10➤ Oscillatoria is a member of:
ⓑ Phaeophyta
ⓒ Rhodphyta
ⓓ Cyanophyta
11➤ Bryophytes are of:
ⓑ A lot of aesthetic value
ⓒ Great economic importance
ⓓ Great ecological importance
12➤ Stomata are present in Funaria plant on:
ⓑ Foot
ⓒ Capsule
ⓓ None of these
13➤ In Funaria the rhizoids are:
ⓑ Multicellular
ⓒ Multicellular, branched with oblique walls
ⓓ None of these
14➤ In Funaria:
ⓑ Male and female reproductive organs are on the same plant and on the same branch
ⓒ Male and female reproductive organs are on different plants
ⓓ None of these
15➤ The simplest sporophyte among bryophytes is:
ⓑ Moss
ⓒ Marchantia
ⓓ Anthoceros
16➤ Which of the following is helpful in the dispersal of spares in moss?
ⓑ Apophysis
ⓒ Peristome
ⓓ Operculum
17➤ The spores in moss capsule are formed in:
ⓑ Air cavities
ⓒ Spore sac
ⓓ Apophysis
18➤ The unique feature of bryophytes compared to other green plant groups is that:
ⓑ They lack vasculaf Jissue
ⓒ They produce spores v t
ⓓ Their sporophyte is attached gametophyte to
19➤ Positive evidence of the aquatic ancestry of bryophytes is:
ⓑ Green colour
ⓒ Ciliated sperm
ⓓ Some forms are purely aquatic
20➤ Venter is the part of:
ⓑ Sporangium
ⓒ Sporogoniun
ⓓ Sporangium
21➤ Phytohormones are:
ⓑ Hormones regulating growth from seed to adulthood
ⓒ Hormones regulating secondary growth
ⓓ Hormones regulating flowering
22➤ The natural plant growth hormones were first isolated from:
ⓑ Corn germ-oil and human urine
ⓒ Human urine and rice seedlings
ⓓ Avena coleoptile, spinach leaves and the fungus Gibberella
23➤ Mowing of a grass lawn facilitates better maintenance primarily owing to:
ⓑ Removal of apical dominance
ⓒ Removal of apical dominance and promotion of intercalary meristems
ⓓ Removal of apical dominance and promotion of lateral meristems
24➤ Which of the following statement is false with respect to application of auxins?
ⓑ Control direction of growth of plants
ⓒ Inhibit lateral bud growth
ⓓ Initiate and promote cell division actively particularly in tissue culture
25➤ Apical dominance means:
ⓑ Suppression of growth of apical bud by axillary buds
ⓒ Inhibition of growth of axillary buds by removal of apical bud
ⓓ Stimulation of growth of apical bud by removal of axillary buds
26➤ Opening of a flower is an example of:
ⓑ Epinastic movements
ⓒ Hyponastic movements
ⓓ Spontaneous movements
27➤ Auxanometer is meant for measurement of:
ⓑ The amount of auxins
ⓒ Growth activity
ⓓ Photosynthetic activity
28➤ Ethylene gas:
ⓑ Retards ripening of tomatoes
ⓒ Slows down ripening of apples
ⓓ Speeds up maturation of fruits and early ripening of some fruits
29➤ Cell elongation in plants is caused by:
ⓑ Traumatin
ⓒ Gibberellin
ⓓ Florigen
30➤ The primary precursor of IAA is:
ⓑ Tryptophan
ⓒ Tyrosine
ⓓ Phenylalanine